
Tuesday, April 14, 2015



 "People think 'Maximize your life' means 'Get your sh*t together.' but it means your are worthy and capable of having more."
She is best known for her appearances as fitness guru on NBC's The Biggest Loser and Losing It With Jillian.  Now Jillian is 40 years old and sharing her seven key strategies that helped her to have a successful life.
Jillian's Seven Steps to Success

1.  Define and Detail Specific Goals
         Jillian said that, "People can achieve anything if they feel the goal is worth it, but most people don't stop to think in detail about why they pursue a goal, or what achieving it might look like in their life, or how it makes them feel.  They haven't detailed it, connected with it or cultivated it.  That vagueness makes for lousy motivation."  Her advise is to drill down as far as possible into your "whys" to keep yourself motivated as you pursue your goal.
2.  Do Your Homework
       Jillian recommended that, one should read and learn everything he/she wants, which includes the steps other people have taken to achieve it, so one can pick effective strategies and form a game plan.  She added, "Go to experts with proven, long-term results.  They've done it for themselves, helped other people do it, and have a track record."  She recommends that, one should study the methods of someone he/she admires, then figure out how to mimic them in a way that fits his/her life.
3.  Make A Goal Pyramid
         She suggested that, one should draw a pyramid with his/her main, long-term goal at top such as, lose 50 pounds, start a business, or go back to school.  Then below, break it down into specific monthly, weekly or even daily goals, using the strategies he/she chose when doing his/her "homework."  By doing this, one is creating a step-by-step road map to make attaining whatever it is he/she want feel easier.
4.  Take Responsibility
         She said that "We should accept that yes, bad stuff happens and there are times when we are victims ~ it's how you respond and move forward that matters."  Moreover, she added that "Part of taking responsibility is communicating what you need and want from those around you, whether it's a promotion or for your spouse to stop bringing home the ice cream you can't resist."  The bottom line she said is that we control our destiny.  We should step-up and do not be afraid to ask for what you want.  
5.  Answer The "What-Ifs"
         She said that by learning how to utilize fear and move through it rather than be paralyzed by it is critical.  Furthermore, one should address whatever he/she is afraid of in pursuit of his/her goal head-on by journaling answers to three questions, such as:
                  ~  What if I try and it works?
                  ~  What if I try and fail?
                  ~  What if I do nothing?
         She added that we learn from bad things, not good things, which is why we should face down our fears and try taking a leap of faith.
6.  Pick Up On Patterns and Pause.
         According to Jillian, "We all engage in destructive patterns.  Establish what dysfunctional or negative patterns hold you back and pay attention when that patterns starts to come up again.  Then 'stop' for your reaction is going to be impulsive and emotional; the key is to pause and do the exact opposite."  She added, "Study the way you react to challenges.  The next time a problem arises, consciously stop yourself and respond differently."
7.  Use Mistakes; Reframe Failures
         Jillian indicated that one should think of mistakes as teachable moments and try not to say, "I'm a failure', but instead ask, "What can I do better? What did I do wrong? Then reapproach."