"Food affects skin at a cellular level, so what you eat can make a dramatic difference in your appearance!"
Jeannette Graf, M.D.
Author of 'Stop Aging, Start Living: The Revolutionary 2-Week pH Diet'
To keep your skin plump, firm and looking its youthful best, Dr. Graf advice is to load up on these following food:
Dr. Graf advises that you should aim for at least one serving of citrus fruit every other day. Citrus fruit is a potent source of Vitamin C, an antioxidant research-proven to rev the production of skin-firming collagen and protect against wrinkles because you get the biggest C boost from food, not supplements.
2. Walnuts and Brazil Nuts
Research shows that omega 3s strengthen muscles, and strong muscles keep skin looking taut and firm. Brazil nuts and walnuts are especially high in omega-3 fatty acids, which improve the skin's appearance.
3. Dark Green Veggies
Dr. Graf says, "They contain alkaline minerals, like potassium and calcium, and skin looks and functions best when your cells, tissues and fluids are slightly alkaline." Moreover, she also said that if you do not love spinach, broccoli or kale, just take a spirulina supplement. According to Dr. Graf, spirulina is a super-potent algae, which increases alkalinity and helps flush toxins that encourage wrinkles.
4. Low-Glycemic Fruit
Fruits that are low in glycemic and do not cause a spike in blood sugar even though they are sweet as they can be are strawberries, raspberries, apricots and apples. These information is crucial because excess sugar causes skin cells to age prematurely.