
Sunday, July 29, 2018


The Words Of Christian Dior

Christian Dior was a French fashion designer, born on 
January 21, 1905 in Granville, France.  He was
best known as the founder of one of the worlds top
fashion house named after him.  His creations dominated
the fashion world after World War II.  In 1947, Dior
introduced the revolutionary New Look, that propelled
international controversy over its radically lowered
hemline.  The New Look featured small shoulders,
a cinched waist, and a voluminous skirt, which was
far change from the World War II look of padded
shoulders and short skirts.

After appearing on the cover of 'Time' magazine,
Christian Dior died at the age of 52 years old in 
October 23, 1957 of a heart attack.

Here are some of Christian Dior's words of advice for
fashion, beauty, and style.


Elegance must be the right combination of distinction,
naturalness, care, and simplicity.
Outside this, believe me, there is not
elegance.  Only pretention.


You can never take too much care over
the choice of your shoes.
Too many women think that they
are unimportant, but the real proof
of an elegant woman is what
is on her feet.


Perfume is the indispensable compliment
to the personality of women,
the finishing touch on a dress.


Black is the most slimming of all colors.
It is the most flattering.
You can wear black at any time.
You can wear it at an age.
You can wear it for almost any occasion.


Simplicity, Good Taste and Grooming
are the three fundamentals of good dressing
and these do not cost money.


Colour is what gives jewels their worth.
They light up and enhance the face.
Nothing is more elegant than a black
skirt and sweater worn with a sparkling
multi-stoned necklace.


Happiness is the secret to all
There is no beauty without


After women, flowers are the most lovely thing
God has given the world.

My dream is to rescue women from nature.

I create so that each and every woman is
the most beautiful.

Sunday, November 19, 2017



Iris Apfel is a businesswoman, interior designer, fashion lover, and fashion icon.  She is one of the most stylish, unique, energetic fashion icon of the fashion world.  She describes herself as the "geriatric starlet".
Iris Apfel was born as Iris Barrel in Astoria, Queens, New York in August 29, 1921.  She is the only child of Samuel Barrel and Sadye Barrel.  She studied art history at New York University and attended University of Wisconsin art school.  Iris Apfel became famous in 2005, when the Metropolitan Museum of Art held an exhibition about her famous accessories.  The exhibits celebrated Iris' ability to transform herself into worldly goddess through clothes and accessories.  According to Iris, her secret for a great personal style is knowing yourself, staying curious, and maintaining a sense of humor.

Take note of some of her fashion and style wisdom.  I hope you will be inspired of Iris' sense of humor about her wonderful personal style.
Fashion you can buy, but style you possess.  The key
to style is learning who you are, which takes years.
There's no how-to roadmap to style.  It's about
self-expression and above all, attitude.
If your hair is done properly and you are wearing
good shoes, you can get away with anything.
The worst fashion faux pas is to look
in the mirror and not see yourself.

Put your money into accessories and you
could create a million different looks
I say, dress to please yourself.  Listen to your
inner muse and take a chance.  Wear
something that says, 
"Here I am",
I don't dress to be stared at.  I dress for myself.
If you're not comfortable in your
own skin, you won't be comfortable
in your clothes.
You have to try it.  You only have one trip,
you've got to remember that.
I absolutely consider fashion a form of art.
Of course, a lot of people put effort into
looking awful, but there are also people
making art.
More is more and less is a bore.
When you don't dress like everyone else,
You don't have to think like everyone else.
If you put something together and
it doesn't look so good, the fashion
police are not going to come take
you away.  And if they do, you might
have fun in jail.
You can't try to be somebody you're not;
that's not style.  If someone says,
"Buy this and you'll be stylish",
you won't be you.
You have to learn who you are first,
and that's painful.
I am a practical person.  Most fashion people
live in the clouds, and they're full of it.  I live
like a human being - or, I try to - and I have
to be practical.  I'm a great believer in
common sense, and the older I get, I can
see that common sense is not that common.
Coco Chanel once said that, what makes
a woman look old is trying desperately to 
look young.  Why should one be ashamed
to be 84?  Why do you have to say that 
you're 52?  Nobody is going to believe you 
anyway, so why be such a fool?  It's nice
that you got to be so old.  It is a blessing!
Every age can have its own kind of beauty.
When you are young, you can take more
chances and show off your body.  But
as you age, you can't fight gravity.  If
you're 80 years old, nobody is going to
thing that you are 32 years old.
It is ridiculous vanity!
I always feel that if you're gonna be
uncomfortable and unhappy in something,
just because you think it's in or it's chic.
I would advise you to be happy rather than
well-dressed.  It's better to be happy.
Iris Apfel

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Sunday, July 9, 2017


Makeup is under the umbrella of cosmetics and it refers mostly to products
containing pigments that are intended to enhance or change the user's appearance.

Makeup is meant to applied externally on the face and eye area with brush,
makeup sponge, or the fingers.

When Cleopatra came to power in the 1st Century BC, Egyptian women had at their disposal
a broad spectrum of colors when in comes to their cosmetics, which were
made from rocks, minerals, and plants found in the Nile region.
Some of the materials used by Cleopatra are:
~  the bright green malachite paste of the Ancients Egyptian on her lower eyelids,
~  Kohl was used as a protection for her eyes,
~  Castor oil was used as a protective balm,
~  beeswax, olive oil and rosewater were used as skin creams.

From 5000 years ago, when Ancient Sumerian men and women were the first to wear
lipstick by crushing gemstones; the role of makeup continues to evolve over the next centuries.

Here are some of the things that women said about their makeup:

Makeup should never be used to hide yourself.
It should be used to enhance your natural beauty.

May your foundation match your neck,
Concealer be creaseless,
and winged eyeliner be sharp enough to kill.

Makeup is used to highlight your face,
not to hide it.

Makeup is not a mask.
Makeup is art.
Makeup is passion.
Makeup is expression.

If your sad, add more lipstick and attack.
(Coco Chanel)

On a bad day there is always lipstick.

Makeup is not a tool meant to make
an ugly thing beautiful.
It is meant only to magnify the beauty
that already exists

I believe that all women are pretty without makeup
and can be pretty powerful with the right makeup.

Makeup is self-confidence applied directly to the face.

I wear makeup only to impress myself and say,
"damn bitch you looking fabulous today".

Yes, I wear makeup.
No, it isn't because I think I'm ugly.

When you haven't worn makeup in a week
and you put on mascara and you're like...
Move over Beyoncé, Mama's back

Your makeup should never precede you
but walk with you.
(Estee Lauder)

That's one of the thing I love about makeup,
You can change your whole attitude by just doing your 
eyeliner or lipstick differently.

Why are you so dolled up?
You're not going to a fashion show.
The world is my runway!
Now, if you'll please
Excuse me.

Whether you are sixteen or over sixty, remember,
understatement is the rule of a fine makeup artist.

The best thing is to look natural, but
It takes makeup to look natural.

Beauty is power, and makeup is something that really 
enhances that; it's a woman's secret.

Makeup is a way for a woman to look and feel like herself, 
only prettier and more confident.
(Bobbi Brown)

Beauty, to me is about being comfortable
in your skin.  That or a kick-ass
red lipstick.
(Gwyneth Paltrow)

Give the girl the right makeup and 
she can conquer the world!

Put on some lipstick and pull yourself together.
(Elizabeth Taylor)

Lipstick is really magical.  It holds more than a waxy bit of color,
it holds the promise of a brilliant smile,
a brilliant day, both literally and figuratively.
(Roberta Gately - Humanitarian & Writer)

Red lipstick is to beauty what the LBD is to fashion.
The difference is that when you walk into a room
wearing a red lip, people notice you.
(Francois Nars)

She has a way with words,
red lipstick and making an entrance.
(Kate Spade)

Makeup can help you be yourself.  It's not about
Making you become a different person,
It's about making you look better.


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Sunday, June 4, 2017


"When we are children, we seldom think of the future.
This innocence leaves us free to enjoy ourselves as few
adults can.  The day we fret about the future is the day
we leave our childhood behind."

"Return To Innocence"

That's not the beginning of the end
That's the return to yourself
The return to innocence
Love ~ Devotion
Feeling ~ Emotion
Love ~ Devotion
Feeling ~ Emotion

Don't be afraid to be weak
Don't be too proud to be strong
Just look into your heart my friend
That will be the return to yourself
The return to innocence

If you want, then start to laugh
If you must, then start to cry
Be yourself don't hide
Just believe in destiny
Don't care what people say

Just follow your own way
Don't give up and use the chance
To return to innocence
That's not the beginning of the end
That's the return to yourself

The return to innocence
Don't care what people say
Follow just your own way
Don't give up,
Don't give up

To return to innocence
If you want then laugh
If you must then cry
Be yourself don't hide
Just believe in destiny.

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